By Katrin on Montag, 13. Februar 2017
Category: work-related

Cool things.

Chickens are nice. They are good-looking, they make funny noises, they lay eggs and they taste lovely. They've also been in close contact with humans for a long, long time, and there's a project looking at that relationship: Cultural & Scientific Perceptions of Human-Chicken Interactions. There's also been a conference on that topic: Chickens and People - Past, Present, and Future. If that sounds interesting, go cluck, erm check that out.

But maybe your love tends to flow somewhere else. Or not at all, though somebody is trying to valentine you - in that case, you might find the necessary inspiration for a reply in the Victorian Valentine Verses to Reject Unwelcome Suitors.

Finally, if you'd like to see what my friend and colleague Margit from Alte Künste is doing, she was interviewed for a podcast last year, and you can watch it here on Youtube.

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