My browser has been acting up for a few hours - which meant no procrastinating by surfing the web.

It also meant that, while I took advantage of this no-procrastinating thing and did all the stuff without browsering on my list, all the work-related things actually done through browsering got stuck in the queue.

Now that everything is working smoothly again (including me!), here are a few links you will hopefully enjoy.

21 more or less amusing things from academic publishing.

Boardgames in the V&A Images collection.

Instead of fat, sugar is becoming the new dietary arch-villain - there's a long article in the Guardian about sugar and the researchers Robert Lustig and John Yudkin. It's not only interesting if you are into nutrition, but also gives a nice (or, rather, not-so-nice) insight into what can happen if one scientist has a hypothesis that is contradicting a lot of other folks' beliefs.