By Katrin on Dienstag, 15. März 2016
Category: all the gory details

Time-Munching Monsters.

Well, it's not exactly monsters that are munching all the time... but there are a few things afoot right now that do. One of them, due this morning: another update of the webshop, followed by a few necessary tweaks. There's some more coming up, as I will finally get the fix (it's on its way) for an issue-free login possibility with email address instead of the username (that nobody remembers anyway).

There's some other stuff going on behind the scenes - more prep work for events later in the year. Taking care of some insurance stuff for my one-woman company. Organising things to prepare for the Great Tax Filing of 2016 (as every year). Plus, we're having my parents over for a few days at the moment, so some family time tends to creep in - no wonder the time wooshes by faster than I can say "wow, it's afternoon already".

Also? It has snowed again today. Huge big flakes. Just when I thought we're finally going for spring... oh well.

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