By Katrin on Freitag, 24. Juli 2020
Category: work-related

Almost weekend!

It's almost weekend, and it promises to be another sunny one. Which is nice, but I'm actually waiting and hoping for some rain these days. We have had warm and dry weather for so long now that our rainwater barrels are almost empty - and I need the water both for watering the plants in the wintergarden (lovingly called "the jungle") and for washing the rest of my dirty wool from this year's shearing. As it currently stands, we're down to using the garden hose for watering the plants in the garden that absolutely need it (the not-lawn is not getting watered, but there's tomatoes and fruit trees that do need, and get, some care) and using tap or hose water for the wintergarden residents.

Washing wool takes a lot of water even if you try to use it as sparingly as possible... which means I have enough for about one more batch at the moment, maybe even two depending on how dirty the fleeces are, and then that's it. I'm not using tap water for wool washing, due to two reasons - it would need lots of tap water, which I think is too precious to spend on processing wool, when rain water will do just as well; and secondly, but just as importantly, I'm getting better results with rain water, as our tap water here is very hard.

So here I am, enjoying the sun yet hoping for rain. Preferably a nice, good, substantial and slow-starting rainfall during the night!

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