By Katrin on Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2018
Category: Bernuthsfeld Man

And some more getting there.

Not only is the sweater coming along and almost finished, the Bernuthsfeld tunic is, too!

The last reconstructed patches have gone in (or on, depending), and the only things left to take care of are the still not completely clear finish of the neck area as well as the hems at the bottom and at the sleeves. Otherwise, it is finally done - and most of the bits that looked dodgy or not quite as they should at some stage did fit together beautifully at the end.

That was a lot of rough stitching with wool yarn, I can tell you! The result, though - I find it rather nice. It definitely is something way, way out of the ordinary way people dressed in the Early Middle Ages.

Here's the reconstructed tunic from the front, as it looks now, with the yet unfinished hems and neck:

And this is the view from the back:

So that is as good as done, too. Whew!

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