By Katrin on Freitag, 02. September 2016
Category: cat stuff

Gratuitous Friday Cat Pictures.

It's Friday, the car is half-packed (well, less than half, to be honest, but things are stacked up here ready to be carried outside and set into the car) and I'm dealing with the last bits of things to do before leaving. This time, it's not too far to drive for me, which is nice, and there's opportunity to set up for the fair in the evening, which is also nice, as it means there's plenty of time to figure out what goes where.

If you think I should have a system by now, and a plan of what goes where - yes, theoretically, that is true. However, the setting is always different from fair to fair, sometimes only slightly (differently sized tables, for instance) and sometimes very much so (standing behind vs in front of the table, or having corner tables, or having a room with non-standard fair furniture, like we'll have in the museum this weekend), so there is always a bit of figuring out to be done.

While I'm finishing my packing and printing of things, I have cat pics for you - of the lady hanging out on top of our mailbox pillar, for instance.

And remember my comment that she'd be outside all day long when I was blocking that shawl? Well. Of course she came back before it was all dry.

And of course she helped to dry it faster by taking a nap right on top of it.

Neither shawl nor cat were harmed, though - they both came out of their quality cuddling time together perfectly dry, and perfectly content.

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