Just like last year, there's a great green bush cricket living in our wintergarden. 

It's a little larger now than it was on this photo taken some days ago - and on the photo, you can see the cast-off skin from its previous larval stage. Not fully grown yet, the green thing.

This species mostly eats other insects, but the specimen here is definitely not opposed to snacking on some green stuff as well - the leaf it is sitting on belongs to an avocado plant, and several of these leaves have a hole, or a piece eaten out of the edge. (And yes, I'm sure that this green lady is to blame for the holes, I've seen her take a few astonishingly big bites out of one leaf edge yesterday morning.)

Last year's guest had an even more exquisite taste - it bit off the tender young stem of a passionfruit seedling, and killed some other seedlings as well. Munching some avocado leaf is, in comparison, very much holding back on the havoc possible. Much appreciated!