By Katrin on Montag, 02. Juli 2018
Category: and now for something completely different

It's dead, Jim.

Our oven finally died last week... it was an old one, probably put into the kitchen when the house was built back in the 1970s. It was also a rather simple one, having only one setting: Convection fan on full. (Well, it could also turn on the "Grill", which was full-on heat from the top to quickly brown things, or burn them, depending on how good you are at handling this, but that was it.)

So for about nine years, all I did with the oven was done in convection fan mode. When we moved in here, it was perfectly able to bake three large sheets of things perfectly at the same time. Recently, though (which means in the last two or three years), there were some colder spots here and there, and the dough was not perfectly done everywhere. Still good enough, though.

About half a year ago, we started thinking about thinking about a replacement, since the oven would clearly not last forever anymore... and then, last Wednesday, it died a quick and quiet death on a Biskuitrolle (Swiss roll is probably the best translation).

So. Time for a new one... and we hope to make a good choice for one that will both do what it's supposed to do, and do it for a long time. Though I am not expecting it to last as long as the old one, which must have been somewhere between about 40 and close to 50 years!

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