By Katrin on Donnerstag, 16. August 2018
Category: and now for something completely different

Last day of the Summertime/Wintertime questionnaire!

I'm in full-on prep mode for the fair on the weekend, with all the usual things to do - print out lists, sort out contact data, pack all the things into boxes and lug them into the car (though that's on the list for tomorrow), prepare food to take with me so I have something to eat during the fair days, getting the washing done, checking if there is enough stock or if I frantically need to replenish something (which meant yesterday I was busily making more distaffs, having almost run out) and generally fret about things not being finished yet that still need to be done, and that in time.

The good news/bad news is that since the fair is only Saturday and Sunday, I don't have to leave today, but can do things until tomorrow (which is also really necessary). The bad news part is that setup times only start rather late and are relatively short, so it will be interesting to be in an unknown environment to set up as quickly as possible. The good news part about this: It means I have half of Friday to prepare, too.

Speaking of deadlines: If you have not yet done so, and would like to give your opinion to the EU about the time switching from Summertime to Wintertime (or Daylight Savings to Normal time), today's the last day of the survey on whether it should be abolished or not. I think it's absolutely wonderful that at least on some things, we citizens actually do get a chance to make our preferences known, and to let our voice be heard. That alone, for me, is a reason to participate in surveys like this... and in this specific case, I really hope we'll see an end to this one hour back and forth folly!

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