It's time to close some of my accumulated tabs again - so here you go, a Monday Link Roundup:

The NHM in Vienna did a special for Valentine's Day - about 19 youtube minutes featuring love in the animal kingdom and a bit about reconstructing erotical stuff from prehistory (featuring Karina Grömer, of course):

It's in German, but if you don't speak the language, you might still enjoy the glimpse into the museum.

There's a virtual conference on May 8-9 about Draft Animals, hosted by Lauresham. That is international - so if you're interested, check out the info page where you can also register (for free).

If you're looking for an interesting lace pattern to knit, featuring bunny ear decreases (one of my favourite decreases), check out the pattern for "thyme" on

If you're interested in the origins of money, take a look at this article on Plos One.