There's a lot of nice ways to procrastinate. Not that I would ever do this, right? Well.

Just in case you have some extra time to spend, or need something to make you spend some extra time that you don't actually have, here's a link to the Cenobium project, which has wonderful images of Romanesque capitals. The project name stands for "Cultural Electronic Network Online: Binding up Interoperably Usable Multimedia" and the website features a multimedia presentation of Romanesque cloister capitals from the Mediterranean region with high-resolution digital photographs, 3-D models, and panoramas.

Or are you looking for something more substantial than digital images? In that case, you might prefer to procrastibake. Apparently this is not only a thing, but even has its own hashtag on Twitter. So - some really cool baking if you are both a language nerd, history lover and friend of mathematics is this cuneiform tablet with a mathematical equation. In gingerbread.

Hm. Now I wonder if there's a nice kind of non-gingerbread cookie dough that would be a good cuneiform base...