We have a small red currant bush in our garden, and now is the time when the fruits are ripe... so it's glorious, glorious custard time!

I love red currants best in two ways: As jelly sandwiched between Christmas cookies, where there is just no replacement for their taste, and buried under hot vanilla custard in the summer. This is one of the childhood tastes that just lingers with me, even though I am making it with different custard today... but it still is a comfort food for me. And it's utterly delicious (or at least I think so). And easy to make to boot:

Pick (or buy) ripe red currants. Make custard according to the instructions on your vanilla custard mix packet, or however else you prefer to make your vanilla custard. While it is cooking, wash the currants, shake them dry-ish, strip them from their stems, and place them into a bowl. If you like your sweet dishes sweet, sprinkle a little sugar on top of them.

Gently pour the hot custard on top of the fruit and let it sit for a bit. That's it. Enjoy.

[caption id="attachment_3882" align="alignnone" width="640"]currant_custard It's not looking spectacular, I know... but the taste is wonderful.

I like it best when still warm, but it's also delicious when cold. Currant season. I love it.