When taking breaks, I like to go and check what is happening on Twitter. I don't post there often, but there are a lot of tweeters that post things I find amusing, and occasionally a retweet lures me to yet another twitter account, and I follow yet another one.

This happened this morning, when I stumbled across @AcademicsSay. If you are in academia, have been there, or are interested in it - check out that twitter feed. It is a wonderful mix of the hilarious with the slight sadness that comes from knowing that life is exactly that strange, and that weird. Also there's the potential of luring you off into strangenesses, such as this article about a satirical article regarding evidence-based medicine.

The guy behind this account also has a blog called SAS Confidential, which promises quite a few interesting reads as well. Which I will resist to look at for now... because, you know? I should be writing.