By Katrin on Montag, 06. April 2020
Category: boardgame things

Special times...

...require special measures. Or special bits of creativity.

We used to have semi-regular boardgame evenings with friends, and these are, of course, out of the question now. However... I also invested, quite recently, in a new and special tripod for my camera, for research trips such as the one to Augsburg (because I realised when going through the pictures that the yield-to-crap ratio could profit a huge lot from a better angle when taking the pictures, and that means a special macro tripod with a boom).

So. What do you do when you want to play boardgames and have a) willing friends, b) a fair number of mobile end devices, c) a cupboard full of boardgames including a substantial number of co-op games, d) adequate internet access, and e) a nice large table?



We had to swap the beautifully painted minis for the standard-issue solid coloured ones, for better visibility on the screen, but it all did work pretty well.

And yes, we managed to rescue enough people out of the burning building before it collapsed - it was close, though!

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