There's been a hype (or something sort of like a hype) for knitting on big needles for a while, even extending to knitting huge, extra-thick blankets or rugs out of wool top (though why anyone would want such a dust-gathering blatant invitation to a moth infestation that is heavy and cannot be washed, totally eludes me). Now personally, I'm more a fan of small needles and small stitches, though I will make exceptions for nice lace patterns.

This, however, is pretty cool: A garden fence knitted in a lace pattern.

That, for me, would actually be a reason to take up fence poles (or curtain poles), dub them "knitting needles" and have a go. Luckily, we already have a fence, so there's no ral temptation for me... but if you are a knitter with a garden and in need of a new fence, maybe it's something for your next project?