My eternal ink is finished, finally! I blame a number of things for it taking so long - among them, yes, the pandemic, as that seriously cut down on our opportunities to sit in a café and knit while enjoying some coffee. Travel times also were reduced greatly, though that was not as much of an influence, since the cardi is knit in one piece, and I have this rule about not taking along any projects that will not fit into my project bag. Which is rather small, because, you know, travel.

(I tend to lug along a plethora of things anyways, and usually way more than I will use or need, so it does make a lot of sense for me to limit myself.)

So here is some picture proof of the finished thing:

I'm very happy with it - the only thing left to do now is to sew in the zip so I can close it. The original pattern intends for it to stay open, and I've worn it a few times already now without a closure... but I like to have the option of wearing it closed, too. In case I end up not liking it with the zip, well, I can always take it out again.

The wool is very, very soft and nice to wear, and I also really like the colours. The stripes are not too blatant, but I think they add some interest, and the cables are also rather subtle but nice.

Also - I managed to tweak the pattern a bit while I was knitting so it fits me really, really well. Which is also a nice thing!