It's Monday, and in spite of having had a normal amount of sleep, I'm tired. Go figure. This is slightly annoying, as - of course and as always - there's plenty of work to do. The cat snoozing in the room does not help either, spreading her snooziness molecules.

Probably the heat here is also to blame, at least partly: It's been very hot the past days, and today is no exception. There was something trying to look like a little hint of rain this morning, but it was not even enough to really register, either in our rain meter or on the ground. Which means the important plants still get their daily watering through the can today. 

We have two rainwater collectors, one of them a very large one, so there's water for the thirsty ones. Which are, mostly, tomato plants placed in pots, and a few more placed in the soil in beds. The latter, however, are not as easy or quickly to water. I also have the tendency to think that since they have roots, and practically unlimited freedom, they should be able to stretch their roots until they get to moist soil and take their water from there. In contrast, the plants in the pots don't have that possibility, so they have to get their portion of liquid daily.

So since it's been hot and dry with enough watering activities for most of the plants this year (at least up until now), there are quite a few promising-looking green tomatoes being made already. Now I hope that they will ripen soon-ish and be delicious. It would be really nice to have enough for making some sauce, or diced tomatoes, and can that for use in the winter, but I'm not sure if that will work out...