By Katrin on Thursday, 27 February 2014
Category: Blogging Archaeology Carnival

Blogging Archaeology Carnival.

February is always a short month, feeling even shorter due to all kinds of parties going on at our acquaintances - it's a popular birthday month. This year's February, though, feels like the shortest one ever to me, and I can't believe it is almost over already.

Before that is finally the case, I want to at least mention the Blogging Carnival with its February topic: Blogging archaeology. That's it - no proper question this month, which makes it somehow harder for me to tackle. The open February topic is intended to let everyone who would like to write a piece about blogging do so, with the option of getting it published. (With deadlines for those who wanted to submit. Needless to say, they are all past already.)

Writing about blogging archaeology without a proper question is hard for me, as I feel I don't have so much to say on the topic... so I more or less decided after the topic came out that I won't participate properly this month. I don't use the blog to write articles, due to time restrictions and lots of other, non-public-process writing going on (at the moment, three papers and a book are in the pipeline). It might be interesting, though, to write an article in the blog one day - if I can figure out a process to do that. (I should probably check out the reader numbers before and after, though, so I can see how many I scared off!)

For this month, however, I'll more or less pass - it would be nice to have a long piece about how important archaeology is for me, how I enjoy talking archaeological textiles, how I would like to spend much more time researching them... but this month? I don't have the time or energy left for it. There's work to be done. Work that is for a large part a reconstruction attempt, based on archaeological sources, of medieval garments. (I shall finally finish my button-making today - not yet finished because other things snuck in beforehand and I did them first.)

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