It's Friday, the cat is sleeping, and everything is "back to normal" as in "I thought I'd get much, much more done this week".

At least we have proper winter weather here at the moment, with temperatures below zero and a nice snow cover on the ground. That makes cycling a bit slower, and somewhat both more exciting and more exhausting, but it is feeling really good to have season-adequate weather for a change. (It's also really, really good for the bees, who need colder weather so that the varroa mite situation can be kept under control in the hives.)

So while I'm trying to catch up a bit, here's some links for your delectation and procrastination possibilities!

British History Online is offering all their research free online until April, to make things a little easier for everyone during the lockdown. The online content includes the Calendar of Close Rolls, covering the reigns of Henry III to Henry VII (1244 to 1509).

If that's not colourful enough for you, here's a textiles, garments, and dye glossary. It's an ongoing project for terms from the 17th century.

There's a seminar series called "The Silk Road seminar series", run via Zoom, on several Mondays and some Fridays. It's hosted by the UCL Institute of Archaeology; find out more about it here.
Finally, here's the archive of the Zeitschrift für Lübeckische Geschichte.

Have fun, and a nice weekend!