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Small Cars...

Sometimes you just need to have something... fun. So.

Not so very far from where I live, there's a company named BIG, and they make stuff. Among that stuff are small toy vehicles called Bobby Cars. Now, if you're in Germany and a child, you will know these things - they are small, sturdy plastic cars, classically in red, that you sit on and you push with your feet to get them moving.

Some people half-joke, half-conspiracytheorise that the cars are sponsored by manufacturers of children's shoes, because when you give the car a good push and it rolls forward, chances are high that the toebox of the shoe will drag across the ground... and if you do that on asphalt, you have a good chance of ruining your shoes very, very quickly.

I did mention that these little cars are quite sturdy, right? They will easily carry an adult as well, though adult-length legs (even if they are rather short) are hard to use for pushing when you are sitting so low. Which means that usually, you put one knee on the seat and then you can sort of get along. (Why would you do that, you ask? Well. Because it's fun, and it might bring back childhood memories, and why should only toddlers enjoy the Bobby Cars, anyway?)

Speeding along with the too-long legs we grownups have remains a bit uncomfortable. Unless, of course, it's going downhill. Then you can just sit on the thing... and go. 

Apparently there's enough people who find that appealing that there is a number of events for Bobby Car Racing. 


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Some of the cars have brakes, but a lot of people just brake with their feet. Like you do on a Bobby Car, usually. (Did I mention this shoe industry thing?)

There's also this guy who got himself a scaled-up version of a Bobby Car: 


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Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024

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