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That's It With The Plan.

My plan was to finish some sewing project today - but it has been thwarted... well, I could technically do it, but I'm choosing to let my thumb marinate as recommended instead.

If you're now wondering what I mean... my left thumb currently looks like this: 

It looks much worse than it actually is. That is a moist cover to keep a small, slightly infected wound open and able to ooze out anything that will ooze out. I tried to get a (rather large) pill into a poor sick cat yesterday evening, and that was only partly successful as in part of the chewed-up capsule landed inside the cat (good), and part of the cat's teeth landed temporarily in my thumb (not so good). (The cat is not to blame, by the way, as he was not trying to bite me - he had only two wishes: To close his mouth again, preferably with the pill outside of it, and to get away from this horrible situation. My thumb just happened to be in the way of achieving wish number one.)

Because cat bites are notorious for getting infected, and I need my hands in good working order, I did the very sane and grown-up thing and went to the doc this morning. So now I'm getting antibiotics for a few days and the (tiny little) wound gets a spa treatment. It's not hurting much or really heating up, but there are signs of infection, and since the fascia in the fingers are plentisome and those are not agreeing at all with infections, better to act quickly and hit the bugs with antibiotics than get real issues later on.

Bonus, though: I got reminded of the fact that one of my basic vaccinations needs a refresher, and got the shot while at the doc's today.

So. Lessons to learn from this? If you need to pill a cat, consider wearing (thin leather) gloves right from the start. (Thick gloves will not work, you can't put pressure on the small spots at the jaw joint then.) 

Most importantly: Don't get bitten. If you do, it's a good idea to go to the doc straightaway, as soon as there are the first signs of any infection. Don't wait around, cat saliva is evil stuff.

(Bonus tip: Go check your vaccinations and see if they are all up to date. Second bonus tip: If you're getting antibiotics for any reason, get yourself something to build up a healthy gut biome again while you're in the pharmacy anyways. These meds kill bugs first and never ask, and that includes the ones that are supposed to live happily in your gut.)

The irony of the whole thing, by the way? The pill for the cat was antibiotics...

The Things You Learn.
Going North - Presentation in Lübeck


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Freitag, 03. Mai 2024

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