This day, back in 2008, I started this blog - I can't believe it's been eight years already!
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Happy Birthday, little Blog! I'd have given you a nice cake photo, but I didn't find one...
The blog has certainly changed a lot during this time, but I'm still enjoying the making of it (and the lovely excuse for random surf-time in search of links to blog about on some days), and I'm especially thrilled if people I meet in real life suddenly find out that it is my blog and tell me they've been reading it for ages. Or if somebody tells me that this or that post was really helpful...
Speaking of which - this is the perfect time to ask you for some helpful input from your side.
What kinds of posts do you enjoy most? What do you like least? And is there something you'd like to see more of? Do let me know - and we shall see what happens in the year until next December 8!