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Harma Arrrr, Matey!
20. September 2024
How about your own pattern for the Dread Pirate Roberts' Favourite Winter Hat, with that nice swords...
Katrin Wheeee!
14. August 2024
Thank you!
Kareina Wheeee!
13. August 2024
I finally found the time to look it up. The app I used last is called Image J, which is available he...
Katrin Wheeee!
09. August 2024
I'd be happy to give it a try!
Kareina Wheeee!
09. August 2024
The software I am speaking of is an image analysis software use for calculating the mineral percenta...

Planetary Health Check.

Today I learned that there's a group of scientists doing a Planetary Health Check... at, not surprisingly,  If you'd like to do your daily doom scrolling with some nice flashy red colour, that's a good place to go.

There's a whole news page there as well, with all kinds of news around planetary changes and developments. Including some good news, which is nice to read. They also have a "solutions" section, though that's mostly geared towards larger businesses and policymakers.

Stuff like this makes me both hopeful, because there's people trying to change the tide before it's too late, and hopeless, because it's getting more and more obvious that we're speeding up towards a wall as a species, and still way too little is happening to stop it. That is true both in Germany and globally. Yes, it helps that a lot of us are, as individuals, trying to do eco-friendly stuff, but we also need the governments and really big players to drastically change some things.

And now I'm going to go and cuddle the cat. Because we all know that content cats, much like cat content, makes things better!

Is It Friday Yet?
Needles, once more.


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Freitag, 27. September 2024

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