Today was checkup day - all kinds of tests to see if the bit of extra I had in my skull is still gone completely, and if there's anything affected by the removal. So I got treated to some relaxation again, and to some waiting time, and to chats with lovely healthcare people, and now I'm home again with another disc full of images (yes, there's still a brain residing in there, that area was never touched), and the "all clear" for now. Next check is in one year's time, when I will hopefully hear just the same.
There's checks to see how my cortisone levels are doing before that, but the Much Ado with the more elaborate tests are done for now. Phew! Which means I can now concentrate on getting the things prepped for the next events - which is the museum anniversary in Ingelheim on September 1. The Great Wheel will have an outing there, so it wants to get dusted off, oiled up, and given a test spin before we'll travel to the Rhine...
I will be in Ingelheim to demonstrate spinning in the medieval styles, with both the hand-spindle and the Great Wheel. There will be the opportunity to try medieval-style spindles for the visitors - and a lot of other things to see and try as well, plus free entry into the museum. You can find more info here on the museum page.