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Harma Arrrr, Matey!
20. September 2024
How about your own pattern for the Dread Pirate Roberts' Favourite Winter Hat, with that nice swords...
Katrin Wheeee!
14. August 2024
Thank you!
Kareina Wheeee!
13. August 2024
I finally found the time to look it up. The app I used last is called Image J, which is available he...
Katrin Wheeee!
09. August 2024
I'd be happy to give it a try!
Kareina Wheeee!
09. August 2024
The software I am speaking of is an image analysis software use for calculating the mineral percenta...

Yes. Exactly.

I have a disgustingly large number of unsorted images, and while I also have a goal of doing a little bit about that regularly (though not daily), it's still a disgustingly large number. I can't even say if it does get better, as there's the occasional influx of images... but the last few days, I think I did have less incoming pictures than those getting sorted.

Among them that were sorted was this one: 

...and yes, that's exactly what I could use now. Not getting my own ears massaged (I think feline ears are much better suited for that), but hanging somewhere, chilling. There was bits and bobs of this and that getting done today, that kind of work day where in the end you feel like nothing has happenend though there was something to do all the time.

Fortunately the weekend is almost upon us, and I am looking forward to that. I hope you'll have a nice one too!

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Samstag, 28. September 2024

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