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Katrin Wheeee!
14 August 2024
Thank you!
Kareina Wheeee!
13 August 2024
I finally found the time to look it up. The app I used last is called Image J, which is available he...
Katrin Wheeee!
09 August 2024
I'd be happy to give it a try!
Kareina Wheeee!
09 August 2024
The software I am speaking of is an image analysis software use for calculating the mineral percenta...
Katrin Wheeee!
09 August 2024
That should technically be possible - but it would mean using some sort of measuring grid instead of...

Back home...

The Great Wheel had its little outing, I once again got to appreciate how much more evenly I can spin with the spindle and distaff as compared to the wheel, and on the other hand how much faster the wheel is. 

As usual on an event like this, I got to take one quick break (when the guys from the next tent over were doing their fighting show) to dash out of my spot, re-fill my water bottle, get a coffee and a bite to eat, and go back. It was also very sunny on Sunday, so even though the tent provided shade, it got quite hot. Enter the Glorious Medieval Cooling System: The linen underdress and linen headwear will be very, very cooling if wet. Thus part of my water bottle's contents did not go inside of me, but into my dress to wet some of the underdress, and on my head. That worked very well, and kept me comfortable even through the hottest bits of the day.

Then, at the end of our festivities, I found one of the friendly museum ladies to take some pictures of me spinning:

As you can see on the floor, I didn't even make too much of a mess! 

Webinar Traditional Bervanik Print
The Travelling Wheel.


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Monday, 16 September 2024

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