I have this tendency to pounce on free articles and dissertations and so on that can be found on the internet, and to just download them if they might in some more-or-less expectable case be, well, relevant. Or interesting. Or because they sound interesting.
Of course I tend to lose track of what I have already downloaded, so when I'm getting ready to enter the titles into my database, I do a duplicate search first... which usually weeds out quite a lot of doubles that I had gotten, forgotten about, and then re-gotten, because, hey, sounds interesting.
And occasionally I actually get to read at least part of what I have downloaded. The latest one is a phd thesis titled "Archäologische Studie zu ausgewählten Aspekten der mittelalterlichen Handwerkstopographie im deutschsprachigen Raum : Bestandsaufnahme der Handwerksbefunde vom 6. - 14. Jahrhundert und vergleichende Analyse" and was handed in 2022 - you can download the whole thing from Uni Tübingen here.
I haven't read all of it so far, but skimmed through the pdf looking for passages about textiles and textile crafts - and what I have seen so far was both helpful and interesting, especially regarding the different amounts of finds pointing towards textile production in different areas and contexts. So if you read German and are interested in crafts and where they might have been found, check this one out!