I truly enjoyed the week, and am so glad I was able to attend. Thank you so much for all that you did to make it happen, and for making certain that it was sufficiently advertized that I heard about it.
However, while spinning has long been on my "I should learn to do that someday" list, I'm not certain that listening to the spinners complain about the spindle from hell has inspired me to make "someday" come any sooner. :-)
I'm all very happy with the week, too (though I think that a week is the perfect amount of time! or I'd die of no-sleep-due-to-brain-overload) and I'm more than glad everyone else had just as much fun!
Harma, spinning very very thin should lead to you not having any problems with the spindle from hell anymore - on the contrary, it's quite well suited for that... and Life Long Scholar, even that spindle from hell found two friends out of the fifteen spinners who actually liked it well! (And maybe you can learn spinning next Forum, that still means you are safe from any experiment just then...) : )