I'm really happy to hear that, Arachne and hsifeng! And I am thinking of an online storefront, though I'm a bit unsure if I really want a normal online shop with cart system - or if a page where info and pictures of the pieces are in one place, together with pricing and some shipping information. The latter is certainly much easier to make (and thus would go much faster).
I think an ordinary webpage with just prices and shipping would work fine. It's more personal than an online cart anyway, and would probably suit your rather unique products too. You're really filling in the textile gaps in the re-enacting market (of which there are quite a few!). Another product suggestion: proper thimbles with the right medieval shapes!
In response to your doubts about form of online store I wanted to give you an example of second form (page with information), that my friends run (http://www.jazwiec.pl/index.htm ) which worked fine, but now I see they upgraded it to normal online shop...
Very well, so I will set up a page with the necessary information to go on my homepage... and I hope that I can find some time for that next week.
Kruliczyca, that is a dangerous webpage you've linked to - dangerous for my bank account. I know I've lusted over the cased mirror and the belt fittings before!