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Katrin Wheeee!
14 August 2024
Thank you!
Kareina Wheeee!
13 August 2024
I finally found the time to look it up. The app I used last is called Image J, which is available he...
Katrin Wheeee!
09 August 2024
I'd be happy to give it a try!
Kareina Wheeee!
09 August 2024
The software I am speaking of is an image analysis software use for calculating the mineral percenta...
Katrin Wheeee!
09 August 2024
That should technically be possible - but it would mean using some sort of measuring grid instead of...

More Stitching, More Planning.

Today was more or less split up between stitching loops to the dyed fabric swatches and doing some maintenance, tidying up, labeling of photos and planning for the next events - a sewing workshop for a group centering around the time of 1000, for instance, and of course the European Textile Forum (aka my Week of Madness). 

All that fortified by some lovely tea. And though it's been fun to work on all of these things, I'm quite happy that the weekend is now very near, and looking forward to it! Though I might even try to finish stitching the loops today. I can tell you, those colours are lovely, and it's really nice to see how similar colours from different plants can come out and how different from the same plant. Also always high on my list: the direct comparison between posh black and cheap black. You can really feel the difference in the fabric, not just see it, as the iron does diminish the shine of the wool and makes it feel... "stumpf" you'd say in German, which would be blunt if talking about a knife, but "dull" would probably match the meaning range best here. Not as nice as the wool dyed with more fibre-friendly stuff, in any case!

I'm already looking forward so much to hanging this in the exhibition. A wall full of brightly coloured wool swatches, it will look so impressive!

1 sqm flax...
Rainbow prep.


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Monday, 16 September 2024

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