You might remember that I went to Belgium in January, to teach tablet weaving at the beautiful Merveille de Méry? This summer, there will be another workshop there. It's a relatively modern form of embroidery, but since Tambour embroidery has tickled my interest for a few years now, I'm a little sad that it's on a date where I will not be able to join in. (Since the reason for that is that I'll be in Dublin on the WorldCon on that weekend, behind my table in the dealer's hall, my sadness is not too bad, though.)
However, that should not keep you from considering a weekend's worth of lessons in Tambour embroidery (unless, of course, you consider coming to Dublin as well). So here's the info about the workshop, together with the contact information for booking:
Whatever you do on that weekend in August - I hope you will have fun!