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Harma Blog Break .
29 April 2024
Isn't the selvedge something to worry about in a later stage? It seems to me a lot more important th...
Beatrix Experiment!
23 April 2024
The video doesn´t work (at least for me). If I click on "activate" or the play-button it just disapp...
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As far as I know, some fabrics do get washed before they are sold, and some might not be. But I can'...
Kareina Spinning Speed Ponderings, Part I.
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I have seen you say few times that "no textile ever is finished before it's been wet and dried again...
Katrin How on earth did they do it?
27 March 2024
Ah, that's good to know! I might have a look around just out of curiosity. I've since learned that w...

Textile Forum 2016 - Dye Penetration Experiment

I'm back home!

It was a wonderful time away - both the Nobilitas-Akademie and the Textile Forum were amazing experiences, and I had a blast at both. I'm equally happy to be home again now, though, and ease myself back into the familiar routines in my familiar surroundings. A full week of intense work (which the Forum always turns out to be) really does make a person tired!

It was well worth getting tired over, though. This year's Forum was very, very heavy on experiments, with two full-fledged ones and two additional runs of tests, all of them involving dyeing. Which means we had a lot of work being done for those experiments, by a good number of people... and I learned again that experiments take an insane amount of time. Every time.

One of the experiments was dubbed "Dye Penetration Experiment", and it is exactly that which we were testing.

Dyeing can be done either in the fibre (in the fleece), in the yarn (in the skein) or in the cloth (in the piece). All three have their advantages and disadvantages, and there is evidence pointing towards all three methods having been used in historical times (though there is not always evidence for all three at a similar time in one region).

This has led to quite a bit of debate on which method was the most common one - and it is very hard to tell without knowing how well a method can be seen on the textile. If there are white spots between threads in a fabric, it must have been piece-dyed. If there are white cores in yarn, it must have been dyed in the skein. But what if the dye can penetrate completely? Then it would be impossible to tell whether the textile was dyed in the fleece, in the skein or in the piece.

Which leads to the question at the core of our experiment: How easily does dye penetrate the fabric?

We had two possible influences on the permeability of the fabric - yarn twist (yarns with higher twist are denser) and fabric density. Which resulted in the setup of having three different yarns hand-spun, to about 0.5 mm thickness and with three different twist angles (c. 20°, c. 30° and c. 45°), and three different fabric densities (12, 10 and 8 ends/cm in the warp).

The spinning was finished before the Forum, but there was a lot of weaving being done during it, by Harma Piening and Ruth MacGregor:

IMG_0072 IMG_0783
... followed by careful finishing of the fabrics. Then I got to cut them apart:

... and then some of them were fulled, and most of them were dyed madder red.

IMG_1310 IMG_1326
This meant that I got a bonus lesson in how to dye with madder from Sabine Ringenberg - and her speciality from many years of working as a professional historical dyer is red. Small wonder the colour turned out quite nicely!

In the end, we had a load of samples to be catalogued and analysed:

I'll have to take a careful look at the photos, microscope photos and measurements before giving a real conclusion - but I can tell you at this point already that none of the fabrics was completely dyed through, there were white spots between the threads in all of them.

We also found that the twist angle I was aiming for (with regular checks on my spinner's little helper) was not what the yarn ended up having, and that the angle fluctuated a lot over the length of the yarn. It will be interesting to see whether the angles read out differently in the yarn and in the fabric - one of the things on my list to test in the future.

It was definitely a really interesting experiment to do, and I got a good number of surprises (I'd have suspected at least the looser fabric with the soft-spun yarns to dye through, and my spinning to be a lot more regular than what it turned out to be). It is of course not the ultimate answer to the question whether things were dyed in the skein or in the piece - but it does hint that we might expect white spots when dyed in the piece, and that would be a good thing to know. (As all experiments, this has already generated more ideas, such as making tests with yarn skeins with different twists and thicknesses to see about how well it dyes through...)

Three skeins.

My spinning for the experiment at the Textile Forum is done - and here's the result:

Three skeins, each with 230+ metres of yarn. Each from the same wool (Eider wool, I love that stuff, it really spins up beautifully), each in the same thickness of 0.5 mm, give or take a smidgen (even the evenest handspinning is not completely even!) and each finished in the same way (placed into a bowl, boiling hot water poured on top, left for 10 minutes to soak, then stretched out, then hung to dry with 1418 g of weight tied to the bottom end of the skein).

The only difference is the amount of twist between these three. The skein on the left has a spinning angle of about 45°, the one in the middle about 30°, and the one on the right about 20° - give or take a smidgen...

As you can see in the close-ups, the angle does make quite a difference. You can also see that it is not all the same everywhere in the threads, even though I always try to spin really, really evenly and really, really neatly.

[caption id="attachment_2718" align="aligncenter" width="196"]20angle 20° spinning angle

[caption id="attachment_2719" align="aligncenter" width="206"]30angle 30° spinning angle

[caption id="attachment_2720" align="aligncenter" width="204"]45angle 45° spinning angle

However, they should be regular enough for our purposes - and next week, during the Forum, they will turn into small bits of fabric, and that fabric will be dyed, and then we will see the differences between the three fabrics. Plus whether the dye penetrates them all equally well, or whether there are differences!

Still preparing...

Things are going more or less as planned here - every morning, I make a list of the things I want to get done during the day. Every evening, I find that I have not been able to get all of them done; partly due to mis-estimating how much I can fit into a day, partly due to not being able to finish them off because of missing information, or waiting for something, and partly because other things got into the way, or I decided to split the work over two days for a reason.

Still, progress is being made. This year at the Forum, we'll have not one, not two, but three tests/experiments (plus some extra dyeing with a fermentation vat that does not count for these) and they all need preparation. So I have wound skeins with 5 g of yarn each, and I'm working on putting the plan and protocol together for the repeat of the Pompeii dyeing experiment plus its add-on (I blogged about that here). It's proving to be not so simple to get all three batches done in a sensible way, so there's a good bit of thinking and checking and double-checking involved in making that plan (which is not yet finished, and probably will not be completely finished today, since I will want to go over it once again with a fresh brain...).

For the second experiment I'm deeply involved in, I have been spinning yarn - one batch with really high twist (a spinning angle of 45-50°), which is already finished, and has its twist set, and is now waiting for its partner. Which is a second batch with less twist (spinning angle of about 30°), about half-finished; and that is another thing I did today, some spinning. With the fabulous Zwirnzwerg! I'm really happy that I have this e-spinner now, it does help immensely especially when going for high-twist yarns. I could never have spun the 50° yarn in that time with any of my spinning wheels.

Why the yarns? We will be testing dye penetration in different fabric densities and with different yarns to find out how reliable the white spots between yarns are to indicate whether something was dyed in the piece or in the yarn/fleece. Which means spinning, and weaving, and then dyeing, the latter two done during the Forum.

There also has been ordering of supplies and materials for the Forum, and there will be more lists of things - things to bring for the diverse activities, lists of when what part of which experiment will take place, lists of meals planned by the catering service, and so on. Good thing I like lists!

Themes in Archaeology

Routledge Publishing is doing a "Themes in Archaeology" thing, and they have finished setting up their themes now. To celebrate, the articles under these groups are free to read until April 30, 2017 -you can find the theme collection here.

In unrelated news, I'm working on the outline of an experiment we will do at the Forum, about how well dye penetrates a finished fabric. This is all very, very exciting, as whether something was dyed in the piece, in the yarn or in the fleece is quite a big difference regarding workflow and craft procedures - and after our experiment, we might have a tiny bit more knowledge about whether white spots could be expected in a piece-dyed fabric or not.

My typing is a little slower today, though - because the little cat is again hanging out on my desk, and I don't have the heart to set her down... she's having a few tough days, as she hurt one of her legs. As a result, she is to take pills (which she hates), painkiller (which she loves, it seems to taste like heaven) and, worst of it all, she is not allowed to go outside, to keep her from overworking her leg. So here I am, with one sad, bored, unhappy cat who needs a lot of cuddling and attention. Sooooo bored. Poor kitty.

What I've been up to.

Things I've been up to:

Working on the European Textile Forum programme. (Should be a step further soon, and I'm really looking forward to getting the updated programme online.)

Doing my homework from the last fair - which includes things like re-organising stuff in the transport boxes, correcting the numbers in my inventory list, and similar (usually not very exciting, but necessary) shenanigans.

Wrestling with The Gnome. Well, wrestling is too hard a word - it's been going rather smoothly. I used the excuse that I need to get to know my new tool to finally start spinning rainbow-coloured wool I bought ages ago:

That is half the wool; the top was symmetrically dyed, so I unraveled it, split it in the middle, and now I'm spinning the two bits individually to hopefully get a wonderful rainbow-coloured two-ply in the end, with long colour runs. I have no idea yet what I will make with it, though. It will be about 150 g of yarn when all is done, so it should be enough for a good-sized shawl - but whether I really need another shawl is another question.

Anyway, it spins up nicely:

and quickly:

I can see a bit more spinning in my future, though - that is about one quarter of the first braid done. Lots more to go!

Planning for the next European Textile Forum.

We've been planning the next European Textile Forum for a while - in fact, starting to look for a good date usually takes place very shortly after a Forum has finished, and we have all recovered a little bit. Then come a few months of not much ETF-related work (apart from thinking about a focus topic), and then, suddenly, it occurs to me that it's high time to write and send out a Call for Papers.

This is accompanied by putting together and testing a registration form, which usually meant quite a bit of headache and cursing. This year, it was actually easier even though I had to do the form again from scratch, as the Forum webpage has migrated to Joomla!. I'm quite, quite happy about this change, as it means more possibilities and less html-writing work for me.

So - I've finished writing the CfP, the website is almost ready to go live with the registration, I'm only waiting for a last little bit of feedback so I can set things in motion tomorrow... and I'm already looking forward to a wonderful conference again!

Oh, and if you'd like to have more info about the Forum, here's a brand new review of last year's conference.


Finally a new website for the Forum.

Yes, I'm sure the last thing you want to hear about (again!) is the website stuff I've been dealing with... but bear with me one last time, as it's not my own website. Instead, it's the site of the European Textile Forum - which also had to transfer to a new server when I was changing my provider.

I took the opportunity to do some long-overdue overhauling of the site as well. It's not completely done yet (there's more stuff lined up to be made available again, in the new structure and hopefully in a more accessible way), but it's online, it's serviceable, it now also runs on Joomla! and there are a lot of small, behind-the-scenes changes that should make organising work for the next Forum a good bit easier for me. (Easier is always nice.)

[caption id="attachment_2048" align="alignnone" width="640"]etf-screenshot This is how the page looks now - much nicer than before, I think. I hope you like it, and like always, if you have feedback - it's more than welcome!

I asked my new Internet guy to make the connection to the new place yesterday, and it went through delightfully fast, so you can now join me in enjoying the new site. And if you're interested in the Forum, or know somebody who might be, there's a newsletter you can subscribe to and we'll send you the occasional news and Call for Papers.

(My new Internet guy, by the way, has the wonderful company name Schwarzkünstler. That translates, literally, as "black artist", and that would have been someone in the printing business way back when printing was still new and it was still considered an art. Which means, as the internet is sort of the new form of print in a way, I get to have a little private squee for that name every time I see it. Which is very, very often at the moment, with all the logging in and transferring files...)
